SGIG Message


I sincerely hope this issue of our Rite News finds everyone in good health and reflecting upon a wonderful new year. It is sometimes difficult to write an article almost two months in advance. In fact, as I am attempting to write this letter, the first snowflakes of the season are falling in Baltimore. By the time you receive this magazine, we will be in the middle of winter, anxiously awaiting spring.

First, let me start by saying thank you to everyone who made a donation of any kind to our brothers and sisters who were devastated by the hurricane in North Carolina. I considered it an honor to be able to take a truckload of clothing, bedding, and many other items to help in their relief. The trip would have been impossible without your truly unbelievable amount of donations. The devastation I saw was beyond unbelievable; homes and businesses were totally destroyed, and roads and bridges that were once present were then nonexistent. It doesn’t matter what your donation was, there was someone who put it to good use, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank each and everyone of you who contributed.

I would also like to congratulate our recent fall class and those who performed excellent degree work. We are now getting ready for our spring class, and I would encourage anyone who knows a Brother who wants to become a Scottish Rite member to join this spring class. You can now find a petition in this magazine, online, or by using the QR code.

There is always a lot happening around your Scottish Rite, and I encourage you to become as active as possible. Your Scottish Rite needs you, even if it is just to attend and sit on the sidelines. Taking a small part in the degree work would be a tremendous help to our degree teams. Remember, the word reunion means coming together again after a period of separation. There are seven valleys in Maryland, and each and every one would welcome your attendance and your help. Once again, I would like to say thank you for all you do for your Scottish Rite and, in closing, may I wish each of you the Blessings of good health and much happiness in all you do.