The following Brethren are members and officers of all bodies in the Valley of Southern Maryland:
- Personal Representative Ill. John W. LeRoy, Sr., 33°
- Valley Secretary Ill. Alfred L. Girard, 33°
- Valley Treasurer Hon. Charles J. Trost, 32°, KCCH
- Almoner Hon. Charles J. Trost, 32°, KCCH
- Master of Ceremonies Hon. Thomas A. Barnhart, 32°, KCCH

Southern Maryland Lodge of Perfection 4° – 14°
Bro. Christopher A. Kiner, 32°
Venerable Master
Bro. Christopher A. Kiner, 32°
Venerable Master
- Senior Warden Bro. Curtis D. Stansfield, 32°
- Junior Warden Ill. Dennis W. Leland, 33°

Southern Maryland Chapter of Rose Croix 15° – 18°
Bro. Robert E. Wilson, Jr., 32°
Wise Master
Bro. Robert E. Wilson, Jr., 32°
Wise Master
- Senior Warden Bro. Christopher A. Kiner, 32°
- Junior Warden Bro. Curtis D. Stansfield, 32°